Welsh text below / Testun Cymraeg isod

We are currently engaged in the production of 360° videos, transforming narratives tailored for a fully mobile audience into immersive experiences for individuals with limited mobility due to physical or other disabilities.

Condensing a story into a brief yet captivating audio-visual format is consistently demanding. The challenge is to accomplish this in a manner that resonates with the viewers.

Our inaugural venture focuses on a modest project with Rhondda Heritage Services, centered around the “Dr’s Tramway.” This initiative serves as a tribute to the visionary thinking of Dr. Richard Griffiths. He recognized the necessity of establishing a connection between coal mines in Lower Rhondda and potential clients encompassing ironworks and Welsh ports.

The tramroad linked Trehafod to the ironworks in Pontypridd, where they famously made the anchor chains for Brunel’s Titanic.

Dr. Griffiths ingeniously pioneered the initial transportation link to and from the Rhondda Valley, employing horse-drawn trams. Residing in the neighboring settlement of Newbridge, a hamlet situated around a crossing of the River Taff, Griffiths played an integral role in the eventual expansion of this village into the town of Pontypridd. His foremost achievement was the construction of a tramroad in 1809. This development facilitated the more efficient movement of coal from the mines to the newly established iron and tin plate facilities at Treforest. Subsequently, he extended his endeavors to construct a brief canal segment, linking his tramroad with the Glamorganshire Canal. This strategic link enabled coal from the Lower Rhondda to reach Cardiff, its docks, and the global stage beyond.

Our exploration has traversed the path of the tramway, culminating in the creation of a crafted script. We have complemented this with bilingual audio narration (English and Welsh), a soundscape, archival photographs, and descriptive text. The culmination of our efforts is a 5-minute immersive 360° video experience, accessible through an Oculus Quest headset. This immersive journey encompasses various facets, including miners’ residences, vibrant iron-rich streams, subterranean drift mines, Barry Sidings, and the iconic Hetty Winding Wheel.


Rydym ar hyn o bryd yn ymgysylltu yn y cynhyrchiad o fideos 360°, gan drawsnewid naratifau a addasir ar gyfer cynulleidfa symudol lawn i brofiadau ymdrochol ar gyfer unigolion ag symudedd cyfyngedig oherwydd anabledd corfforol neu anableddau eraill.

Mae crynhoi stori i fformat clyweledol sain-gweledol byr ac yn ddifyr bob amser yn her gyson. Y dasg sydd o flaen y llaw yw cyflawni hyn mewn ffordd sy’n gyd-fynd â’r gynulleidfa, yn hytrach na chreu cyflwr o gysgu.

Mae ein hymgyrch gyntaf yn canolbwyntio ar brosiect cymedrol gyda Gwasanaethau Treftadaeth y Rhondda, sy’n canolbwyntio ar y “Tramffordd y Dr.” Mae’r fenter hon yn wasanaethu fel teyrnged i feddwl rhagweledol Dr. Richard Griffiths. Cododd ei fod yn adnabod yr angen am sefydlu cysylltiad rhwng y mwynfeydd cynnar yn is Rhondda a chleientiaid posibl sy’n cwmpasu gwaith haearn a phorthladdoedd Cymru.

Dr. Griffiths a fu’n arloesol wrth gyflwyno’r cyswllt cludiant cychwynnol i ac o Gwm Rhondda, gan ddefnyddio trammws wedi’i ddwyn gan geffylau. Gan fyw yn y dref leol cyfagos, Pontnewydd, pentref bychan sy’n gorwedd o amgylch croesfan afon Taf, chwaraeodd Griffiths ran annatod yn y gwaith o ehangu’r pentref hwn yn dref Pontypridd yn y pen draw. Ei uchafbwynt oedd adeiladu tramffordd yn 1809. Roedd y datblygiad hwn yn hwyluso’r ffordd fwy effeithlon o gludo glo o’r mwynfeydd i’r cyfleusterau glo haearn a phlatiau tun newydd a sefydlwyd yn Nhrefforest. Yn dilyn hyn, ymestynnodd ei ymdrechion i adeiladu rhan byr o gamlas, gan gysylltu ei dramffordd â Chamlas Morgannwg. Cafodd y cyswllt strategol hwn ei alluogi i glo o Is Rhondda gyrraedd Caerdydd, ei ddociau, a’r llwyfan byd-eang tu hwnt.

Mae ein hymchwiliad wedi crwydro ar hyd llwybr y tramffordd, gan grynhoi mewn creu sgript fanwl wedi’i gynllunio yn ofalus. Rydym wedi ychwanegu naratif sain dwyieithog (Saesneg a Chymraeg), tirwedd sain, ffotograffau archifol, a testun disgrifiadol at hyn. Yr uchafbwynt o’n hymdrechion yw profiad fideo 360° ymdrochol, 5 munud ddiddorol a chynhwysol, sydd ar gael drwy heddset Oculus Quest. Mae’r daith ymdrochol hon yn cynnwys gwahanol agweddau, gan gynnwys preswylfeydd y glowyr, nentydd haearn bywiog, mwynau chwistrellu tanddaearol, Gorsafoedd Barry, a Chylchdro Hetty eiconig.