By Richard P Jones

In a bid to modernize museum’s contribution to education and align with the new curriculum priorities for Wales, an innovative pilot program was introduced at a Rhondda Primary School, Penerenglyn. The initiative, funded by GEM (the Group for Education in Museums), aimed to integrate virtual reality (VR) and 3D modelling into the educational experience, with a particular focus on the concept of “place” (cynefin) and the digital competency framework (Cymhwysedd digidol).

The program engaged 40 young learners from year groups five and six, alongside five teachers. Students were immersed in a journey through Welsh paleontological history, exploring the significance of fossils and the rich heritage of Wales. Prior to delving into the virtual realm, a traditional lesson on Welsh fossils set the stage for deeper understanding.

Children in Penyrenglyn Primary use VR to look at Welsh fossils. ©Vision Fountain

The highlight of the program was the introduction of VR technology through the “Welsh Fossil Library.” Utilizing Oculus Quest 2 headsets, students had the unique opportunity to interact with high-resolution 3D scans of Welsh fossils, including a captivating dinosaur skull. Their excitement and engagement with this immersive experience was palpable, with many expressing enthusiasm and a sense of adventure.

Inside the Fossil Library VR experience. ©Vision Fountain

For those unable to experience VR due to age restrictions, an alternative approach involving 3D modelling on screens was implemented. Despite missing out on the VR component, year 5 students showed significant engagement and enjoyment while exploring 3D models of fossils, indicating the effectiveness of integrating different technology focussed approaches in the classroom.

Children in Penyrenglyn Primary look at 3D scans of Welsh fossils provided by Vision Fountain. ©Vision Fountain

Evaluation feedback from both students and teachers underscored the positive impact of VR on learning outcomes. Students described the VR lesson as more captivating and immersive than traditional methods, emphasizing the fun and interactive nature of the experience. Teachers noted the potential of VR to enhance education, citing its ability to provide a stress-free learning environment and facilitate deeper engagement with some concepts and cultural collections.

Graph showing results from a written test following the intervention, With VR (left) and Without VR (right). (sample size: 40)

However, challenges such as age-related restrictions for VR usage and varying levels of familiarity with technology among teaching staff were encountered. Despite these hurdles, the program demonstrated promising results and provided valuable insights into the future of education.

Graph showing results from a written test following the intervention, With VR (left) and Without VR (right). (sample size: 40)

Key learnings from the intervention highlighted the enthusiasm of students for virtual engagement methods, the potential of VR to enhance learning outcomes within schools and as an extension of a museums outreach.  Another insight was the importance of digital competency with regard to gaming technology) in preparing students for future careers and as well as extending knowledge to most teachers who appear well behind “the curve”.  While VR offered a unique and engaging experience, it also raised concerns about potential shortfalls of the immersive element of classroom learning as opposed to traditional lessons.

Moving forward, there is a need for much more exploration  with regard the potential integration of XR-based experiences into education, considering factors such as delivery modes, budget constraints, and sample size.  – ends


Welsh Version:

A’r fframwaith cymhwysedd digidol (Cymhwysedd digidol).

Ymgyrchwyd y rhaglen yn ymgysylltu â 40 o ddysgwyr ifanc o flwyddyn 5 a 6, ochr yn ochr â phum athro. Fe wnaeth y myfyrwyr fyw mewn teithiau drwy hanes paleontolegol Cymru, gan archwilio pwysigrwydd ysgilfenni a threftadaeth gyfoethog Cymru. Cyn cyffwrdd â’r byd rhithwir, gosododd gwers draddodiadol ar ysgilfenni Cymru y sylfaen ar gyfer dealliant dwfnach.

Uchafbwynt y rhaglen oedd cyflwyno technoleg VR drwy’r “Llyfrgell Ysgilfenni Cymru.” Drwy ddefnyddio setiau meddalwedd Oculus Quest 2, cawsant y cyfle unigryw i ryngweithio â scans 3D uchel eu haflun o ysgilfenni Cymru, gan gynnwys asgell ddiwaelodauaddawdau ddinozaurion syfrdanol. Roedd eu cyffro a’u hymgysylltiad â’r profiad hwn yn amlwg, gyda llawer yn mynegi brwdfrydedd a synnwyr antur.

I’r rhai methu profiadoli VR oherwydd cyfyngiadau oedran, gweithredwyd dull amgen gan gynnwys modelu 3D ar sgriniau. Er bod y myfyrwyr blwyddyn 5 yn methu profiadoli’r elfen VR, dangosodd eu hymgysylltiad a’u mwynhad sylweddol wrth archwilio modelau 3D o ysgilfenni, gan nodi effeithiolrwydd integreiddio dulliau technoleg amrywiol mewn ystafell ddosbarth.

Amlygodd adborth gwerthuso gan fyfyrwyr ac athrawon effaith gadarnhaol VR ar ganlyniadau dysgu. Disgrifiodd y myfyrwyr y gwers VR fel mwy deniadol a rhithwir na dulliau traddodiadol, gan bwysleisio natur hwylus ac ryngweithiol y profiad. Nododd athrawon y potensial i VR wella addysg, gan nodi ei allu i ddarparu amgylchedd dysgu di-densiwn ac i hwyluso ymgysylltu dwfnach gyda rhai cysyniadau a chasgliadau diwylliannol.

Fodd bynnag, gwneudwyd wynebau megis cyfyngiadau oedran ar gyfer defnyddio VR ac amrywiaethau o brofiadau technoleg ymhlith staff addysgu. Er gwaethaf y rhwystrau hyn, dangosodd y rhaglen ganlyniadau addawol a darparodd mewnwelediadau gwerthfawr ar gyfer dyfodol addysg.

Amcanion allweddol o’r ymyrraeth yn tynnu sylw at brwdfrydedd y myfyrwyr ar gyfer dulliau ymgysylltu rhithwir, y potensial i VR wella canlyniadau dysgu yn yr ysgolion ac fel estyniad i allgymorth amgueddfeydd. Roedd un o’r dysgwyr, yr unedau 5, yn fwy cysylltiedig gyda’r gwers ar wahanol gwestiynau a thrafodaeth, fel na allem ofyn i gwestiynau a ehangu’r naratif.

Wrth symud ymlaen, mae angen mwy o archwilio ynglŷn â’r potensial i integreiddio profiadau XR yn ysgolion, gan ystyried ffactorau fel dulliau cyflwyno, cyfyngiadau cyllideb a maint yr enghreifftiau. -diwedd